Originally produced for Patreon, this is a long, highly detailed Still Life demonstration. Starting with the drawing, Scott demonstrates his transfer process, how to do a color study, an underpainting, and, eventually, a full still life oil painting. All fully narrated. Read more...
This in-depth instructional video delves deep into the artistic process with several new drawing and painting demonstrations. These demonstrations cover a variety of concepts and techniques related tothe many challenges facing artists. The video also covers all of the materials used in the demonstrations in the paintings and murals as the one you can see in muraledesign.com. Fully illustrated with never before seen animations and diagrams, this video covers such topics as block-in, optical and conceptual modes, color strings, painting various flesh tones, form under multiple lights and much more. This video also comes with a free Video Guide. This Video Guide is an additional pdf file that can be downloaded with the video files. It contains a Time Code Table of Contents for the video, an Illustrated Glossary, and a Materials List.Read more...
Scott Waddell - A Portrait Painting Demonstration
In this downloadable video artist Scott Waddell shares his personal form based approach to portrait painting. Covering a painting process that took 9 hours to complete, this 48 minute long video shows Scott creatinga preliminary drawing done in graphite on paper, how he transfers this drawing to his linen and ultimately the execution of the painting using oil paints. Throughout the video Scott offers insightful narration describing his thought process and the artistic concepts he utilizes while working.Read more...
I really appreciate his generous instructional videos. They are great. I purchased his portrait demo video, available from his website. I think I will purchase his newly released figure painting demo video soon. That will be my Christmas present this year.
In 2006 Scott moved with his wife to Connecticut, where they continue to reside with their son and many pets. Waddell divides his time between painting portraits, fine-art narratives, and teaching at The Grand Central Academy of Art.