How to Choose, Install, Use, and Maintain a Wood-Burning Kitchen Stove
Wood-burning kitchen stoves are heating appliances that use wood as fuel to heat your kitchen and cook your food. They can be a great way to save money on energy bills, enjoy the cozy ambiance of a fire, and create delicious meals with a natural flavor. However, they also require some careful installation, maintenance, and safety precautions to avoid fire hazards, health risks, and environmental problems. In this article, I will provide you with some useful information on how to choose, install, use, and maintain a wood-burning kitchen stove safely and efficiently.
Types of Wood-Burning Kitchen Stoves
Wood-burning kitchen stoves can be classified into two main categories: catalytic and non-catalytic. Both types burn gasses and other byproducts twice for fewer emissions and better efficiency, but catalytic stoves have a combustor that burns smoke and byproducts. Another way to categorize wood-burning stoves is by their structure: circulating stoves, radiant heaters, and combustion stoves. Circulating stoves are double-walled with an inner combustion chamber and are typically the most efficient. Radiant heaters transmit heat through the glass door and the stoves body to the air surrounding it. Combustion stoves have a secondary outer layer that draws in cool air and heats it up before releasing it into the room.
virtuves plīts ar malkas apkuri
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Some examples of different types of wood-burning kitchen stoves are:
Esse Ironheart: A steel and cast iron wood cookstove from England that combines a stove and a range cooker in one. It has a large firebox that can hold logs up to 17 inches long and a spacious oven that can fit a large roasting pan. It can heat up to 1000 square feet of space.
J. Corradi Neos 901: A stainless steel or black painted metal wood-burning cooker from Italy Virtuves plīts ar malkas apkuri: kā izvēlēties, uzstādīt, lietot un uzturēt
Virtuves plīts ar malkas apkuri ir apkures ierīce, kas izmanto malku kā degvielu, lai sasildītu virtuvi un pagatavotu ēdienu. Tā var būt lieliska iespēja ietaupīt naudu par enerģijas rēķiniem, izbaudīt ugunskura mājīgo atmosfēru un radīt garšīgus ēdienus ar dabisku aromātu. Tomēr tā prasa arī rūpīgu uzstādīšanu, apkopi un drošības pasākumus, lai izvairītos no uguns briesmām, veselības riskiem un vides problēmām. Šajā rakstā es sniegšu jums dažus noderīgus padomus par to, kā izvēlēties, uzstādīt, lietot un uzturēt virtuves plīti ar malkas apkuri droši un efektīvi.
Virtuves plīšu ar malkas apkuri veidi
Virtuves plītes ar malkas apkuri var iedalīt divās galvenajās kategorijās: katalītiskajās un nekatalītiskajās. Abos veidos tiek sadedzinātas gāzes un citi blakusprodukti divreiz, lai samazinātu emisijas un palielinātu efektivitāti, bet katalītiskajās plītēs ir sadedzinātājs, kas sadedzina dūmus un blakusproduktus. Vēl viens veids, kā kategorizēt virtuves plītes ar malkas apkuri, ir pēc to struktūras: cirkulējošajām plītēm, starojošajiem sildītājiem un sadedzināšanas plītēm. Cirkulējošajām plītēm ir divkameraina konstrukcija ar iekšējo sadedzināšanas kameru un tās parasti ir visefektīvākās. Starojošie sildītāji pārraida siltumu caur stikla durvīm un plīts korpusu uz apkārtējo gaisu. Sadedzināšanas plītes ir otrreizējais ārējais slānis, kas piesaista aukstu gaisu un to uzsilda pirms izplūdes telpā.
Daži piemēri dažādiem virtuves plīšu ar malkas apkuri veidiem ir:
Esse Ironheart: Anglijas tērauda un čuguna virtuves plīts ar malkas apkuri, kas apvieno plīti un krāsns cepeškrasni vienotajam ēdiena gatavošanai. Tam ir liela sadedzināšanas kamera, kas var ietilpināt baļķus līdz 43 cm garumam un plaša krāsns, kur var ievietot lielu cepešpannu. Tā var sasildīt līdz 93 kvadratmetru platuma telpai.
J. Corradi Neos 901: Itālijas nerūsējoša tērauda vai melnkrāsotas metala virtuves plīts ar malkas apkuri. Tai ir sadedzināšanas kamera, malkas krāsns, čuguna cepšanas režģis. Durvis ir izgatavotas no nerūsējoša tērauda vai melnkrāsota metala, sienas no nerū that has a combustion chamber, a wood storage, a cast iron grill. The doors are made of stainless steel or black painted metal, the walls of stainless steel or ceramic tiles. It can heat up to 200 square meters of space.
Victoria 90: A cast iron wood-burning stove from Bulgaria that has a large oven with a thermometer, a hotplate with four cooking zones, and a firebox with a glass door. It can heat up to 120 square meters of space.
To choose the best type of wood-burning kitchen stove for your needs and preferences, you should consider the following factors:
Size and capacity: You should measure the available space in your kitchen and the size of the stove you want to install. You should also consider how much heat output you need and how large is the area you want to heat. The heat output is measured in kilowatts (kW) and depends on the size of the firebox, the type and quality of the wood, and the efficiency of the stove. Generally, you need about 1 kW for every 10 square meters of space.
Design and style: You should choose a stove that matches your kitchen decor and personal taste. You can find stoves in different colors, shapes, materials, and finishes. You can also choose between traditional or modern designs, with or without an oven, with or without a glass door, etc.
Efficiency and emissions: You should look for a stove that has a high efficiency rating and low emissions. The efficiency rating indicates how much of the heat generated by the stove is transferred to the room and how much is lost through the chimney. The higher the rating, the less wood you need to burn and the less money you spend on fuel. The emissions indicate how much smoke, carbon monoxide, and other pollutants are released by the stove into the air. The lower the emissions, the better for your health and the environment. You can check the efficiency and emissions ratings on the labels or certificates of the stoves.
Price and quality: You should compare the prices and quality of different stoves before making a decision. You should look for a stove that is durable, reliable, easy to use, and easy to maintain. You should also check the warranty and after-sales service of the manufacturer or seller. You should avoid buying cheap or low-quality stoves that may break down easily or pose safety risks.
Installation of Wood-Burning Kitchen Stoves
Installing a wood-burning kitchen stove is not a simple task and requires some professional skills and knowledge. You should always follow the instructions and regulations of the manufacturer and your local authorities. You should also consult with a qualified installer or technician before starting the installation process. Here are some general steps and tips for installing a wood-burning kitchen stove:
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Check the legal and safety requirements: You should check with your local building codes, fire codes, zoning laws, insurance policies, and other regulations that may apply to your installation project. You may need to obtain a permit, an inspection, or an approval from your local authorities before installing your stove. You should also follow the safety standards and guidelines of your country or region regarding fire prevention, ventilation, clearances, etc.
Prepare the location, base, chimney, and flue: You should choose a suitable location for your stove in your kitchen that is away from combustible materials, furniture, appliances, windows, doors, etc. You should also ensure that there is enough space for loading wood, opening doors, cleaning ashes, etc. You should provide a solid and level base for your stove that can support its weight and withstand high temperatures. You can use concrete, brick, stone, tile, or metal as base materials. You should also have a chimney that is compatible with your stove type and size. The chimney should be tall enough to create enough draft for proper combustion and smoke evacuation. The chimney should also be insulated and lined with metal or clay to prevent heat loss and creosote buildup. The flue is the pipe that connects the stove to the chimney. The flue should be made of stainless steel or cast iron and have a diameter that matches the stove outlet. The flue should be installed with an upward slope of at least 1/4 inch per foot to prevent condensation and backdrafts.
Connect the stove to the chimney pipe and test it: You should use appropriate fittings and sealants to connect the stove outlet to the flue pipe securely. You should also install a damper on the flue pipe to control the airflow and the heat output of the stove. You should also install a flue thermometer to monitor the flue temperature and prevent overheating or underheating. You should also install a carbon monoxide detector and a smoke alarm in your kitchen for extra safety. After connecting the stove to the chimney pipe, you should test it for proper operation. You should light a small fire in the stove and check for any leaks, blockages, or smoke spillage. You should also check the draft and the flue temperature and adjust the damper accordingly. You should let the fire burn for at least an hour before using the stove for cooking.
Use of Wood-Burning Kitchen Stoves
Using a wood-burning kitchen stove can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, but it also requires some skills and knowledge. You should always follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer and your local authorities. You should also follow some best practices for building and maintaining a fire, choosing and storing wood, and cooking with a wood-burning kitchen stove. Here are some general tips and advice for using a wood-burning kitchen stove:
Building and maintaining a fire: You should use dry, seasoned, hardwood logs as fuel for your stove. You should avoid using wet, green, softwood, or treated wood, as they can produce more smoke, creosote, and emissions. You should also avoid using paper, cardboard, or other materials that can cause sparks or fly away. You should start the fire with some kindling and small pieces of wood, then add larger logs as the fire grows. You should use a fire starter or a match to light the fire, not gasoline or other flammable liquids. You should keep the air vents open until the fire is well established, then adjust them to control the heat output and the burn rate. You should never leave the fire unattended or let it burn too hot or too low. You should also never overload the firebox or close the air vents completely.
Choosing and storing wood: You should choose wood that is suitable for your stove type and size. You should also choose wood that is locally sourced and sustainably harvested, as this can reduce your environmental impact and support your local economy. You should store your wood in a dry, ventilated, and covered place, away from your house and other structures. You should stack your wood in rows or piles, leaving some space between them for air circulation. You should also protect your wood from insects, rodents, or fungi. You should season your wood for at least six months before using it, as this can improve its quality and efficiency.
Cooking with a wood-burning kitchen stove: You can cook with a wood-burning kitchen stove in different ways, depending on its design and features. You can use the oven, the hotplate, the grill, or the firebox to prepare various dishes. You can also use different cookware, such as pots, pans, skillets, baking trays, etc., as long as they are heat-resistant and suitable for your stove type. You should preheat your oven or hotplate before cooking, as this can ensure even heat distribution and better results. You should also monitor the temperature of your oven or hotplate with a thermometer or a gauge and adjust it with the damper or the air vents as needed. You should also check your food regularly and rotate it if necessary to prevent burning or undercooking.
Cooking with a wood-burning kitchen stove can give your food a unique flavor and texture that you cannot get from other cooking methods. Some examples of dishes that you can cook with a wood-burning kitchen stove are:
Roast chicken
A classic dish that you can make in your oven with a whole chicken seasoned with salt, pepper, herbs, garlic, lemon, etc. You can also add some vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, onions, etc., to make a complete meal.
A popular dish that you can make on your hotplate with pizza dough topped with tomato sauce, cheese, ham, mushrooms, olives, etc. You can also make your own pizza dough or use ready-made ones.
A staple food that you can make in your oven with flour, water, yeast, salt, sugar, etc. You can also add some nuts, seeds, dried fruits, etc., to make different kinds of bread. You can also make rolls, buns, baguettes, etc., with different shapes and sizes.
A hearty dish that you can make in your firebox with meat, vegetables, broth, wine, herbs, spices, etc. You can use a cast iron pot or a dutch oven to cook the stew over the fire. You can also make soups, curries, casseroles, etc., with similar ingredients.
Grilled cheese sandwich
A simple and delicious dish that you can make on your grill with bread slices, cheese slices, butter, etc. You can also add some ham, bacon, tomato, onion, etc., to make it more filling and flavorful. You can also make other kinds of sandwiches or toast with different fillings and toppings.
Maintenance of Wood-Burning Kitchen Stoves
Maintaining a wood-burning kitchen stove is essential for its performance, safety, and longevity. You should always follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer and your local authorities. You should also follow some regular cleaning and inspection routines to keep your stove in good condition. Here are some general tips and advice for maintaining a wood-burning kitchen stove:
Clean the interior: You should remove the ashes from the firebox after each use or at least once a week. You should use a metal shovel or a vacuum cleaner to collect the ashes and dispose of them in a metal container with a lid. You should also clean the oven and the hotplate with a damp cloth or a sponge and some mild detergent. You should avoid using abrasive or corrosive cleaners that may damage the surface or the coating of the stove.
Clean the exterior: You should wipe the exterior of the stove with a dry cloth or a soft brush to remove any dust or dirt. You should also polish the metal parts with a metal polish or a wax to restore their shine and prevent rusting. You should avoid using water or wet cloths that may cause rusting or discoloration of the stove.
Clean the glass door: You should clean the glass door of the stove with a damp cloth or a paper towel and some vinegar or a glass cleaner. You should remove any soot or stains that may obscure the view of the fire. You should avoid using abrasive or corrosive cleaners that may scratch or damage the glass.
Clean the flue: You should clean the flue of the stove at least once a year or more often if you use your stove frequently or burn wet or resinous wood. You should use a chimney brush or a chimney sweep to remove any creosote or soot that may accumulate in the flue and cause blockages or fires. You should also inspect the flue for any cracks, holes, or leaks that may affect its function or safety.
Replace or repair parts: You should check the parts of the stove regularly for any signs of wear and tear or damage. You should replace or repair any parts that are broken, missing, loose, or malfunctioning as soon as possible. You should use only original or compatible parts from the manufacturer or an authorized dealer. You should also consult with a qualified technician or installer before replacing or repairing any parts.
Safety of Wood-Burning Kitchen Stoves
Safety is paramount when using a wood-burning kitchen stove. You should always follow the instructions and precautions of the manufacturer and your local authorities. You should also follow some common sense rules and tips to avoid any accidents or emergencies involving your stove. Here are some general tips and advice for ensuring safety when using a wood-burning kitchen stove:
Avoid health risks: You should be aware of the health risks associated with wood-burning kitchen stoves, such as carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke inhalation, eye irritation, skin burns, etc. You should install a carbon monoxide detector and a smoke alarm in your kitchen and test them regularly. You should also ensure adequate ventilation and air circulation in your kitchen by opening windows or doors or using fans or vents. You should also wear protective gloves, aprons, and eyewear when handling hot parts of the stove or cooking utensils.
Minimize environmental impacts: carbon monoxide, and other pollutants are released by the stove into the air. The lower the emissions, the better for your health and the environment. The average emissions rating for a wood-burning kitchen stove is about 4 grams per hour, but some models can reach as low as 1 gram per hour. You can also check the safety features of your stove, such as a glass door, a damper, a flue thermometer, a carbon monoxide detector, a smoke alarm, etc., and make sure they are working properly.
How do I know if my wood-burning kitchen stove is environmentally friendly?
You can check the environmental rating of your stove on its label or certificate. The environmental rating indicates how much greenhouse gas emissions are produced by the stove per unit of heat output. The lower the rating, the better for the climate. The average environmental rating for a wood-burning kitchen stove is about 0.2 kg of CO2 per kWh, but some models can reach as low as 0.1 kg of CO2 per kWh. You can also check the environmental impact of your stove by using only certified or sustainably harvested wood, burning your wood efficiently and completely, and cleaning your flue regularly.